The recent chapter of One Piece has changed the entire course of the series by introducing some of the biggest twists that fans have ever seen. Not only does the chapter see Luffy fighting the elders at the same time, but it also sees Vegapunk trying to reveal something big to people all over the world.

The information Vegapunk is about to reveal will likely be game-changing, as it has been hinted that Vegapunk knows a lot about the history of One Piece’s world. However, we have to wait a few more weeks because the manga will take a 3-week break.

I always wondered what the purpose of Kuma’s memory’s being extracted from him for the purpose of “scientific” studies were… Besides Bonney seeing them, I feel like Oda has something else up his sleeve for the studies Vegapunk conducted on Kuma’s memories because we haven’t gotten anything on that yet.

Since the Reverie, the events of God Valley have been hinted at multiple times and we’ve been told that the island has been erased from history and most marines and commoners don’t know about that event let alone what transpired there.

During God Valley, we know some details on what the Celestial Dragons were doing and more and whatever went on there is clearly more than simply just Rocks versus Garp and Roger because the government has gone out of its way to make sure that event is hidden from history.

Furthermore, from Kuma’s past, that’s the only thing we don’t see in detail. We don’t just cut away from Garp vs Roger or other relevant moments of that event, we cut away from it the moment it transpires into chaos.

What if Vegapunk’s broadcast is Kuma’s Point Of View of God Valley? The government must’ve done something that mustn’t be seen for them to go to such lengths of hiding it from history.

This makes sense to me because Kuma’s importance to Egghead would skyrocket, there is currently little tie to Kuma’s life and the current events of Egghead aside from Bonney and the Pacifista.