One Piece ‘s Five Elders have revealed their true forms in Ch. 1110 of the manga.
 Their terrifying Beast Forms are inspired by mythological creatures and show the extent of their villainous powers.
 The Elders are able to turn into different creatures, including a sandworm, skeletal horse, a horned spider, and more.
 The extent of their powers remains to be seen, and readers are worried Luffy may not be able to save the day this time.

One Piece has been telling the story of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate adventures for almost thirty years, with the manga beginning all the way back in 1997. The recent Final Saga and Egghead Arc sees the story picking up its pace like never before, with a global war about to erupt as the Straw Hat Pirates are caught in the center of it all.

The Five Elders are one of the overarching antagonists of One Piece throughout the entire series, and their presence is felt even more so in the Final Saga as they join the fight, aiming to put a stop to Luffy and his allies. Chapter 1110 of One Piece’s manga recently revealed the true powers of the Elders, setting the series up for even more action and furthering its status as one of the best manga series of all time.

Oda doesn’t like killing off characters, especially villains. When he does, however, he makes sure it becomes a defining moment in the story.

The Mysterious Five Elders’ Powers are Revealed in One Piece‘s Egghead Arc

The Five Elders of the World Government in the One Piece anime

The Five Elders are the highest-ranking of the powerful Celestial Dragons in One Piece, and they are considered the highest authority of the World Government. They have absolute control over two of the Three Great Powers, which are One Piece‘s greatest military forces sailing on the oceans. This has made the Elders longstanding villains behind the scenes in the series, but their presence has become much more apparent in the Egghead Arc, where more details of them have been revealed in recent chapters of the manga.

Chapter 1110 reveals the true forms of the Five Elders, showing readers their powers are even more monstrous than ever thought before and leaving some to wonder if Luffy will be able to emerge victorious against them. Having awakened their legendary Dragon Fruits, the Five Elders have been shown to take on terrifying forms that even Luffy cannot handle on his own.

Saturn Transforms Into a Gyuki

One Piece Elder Saturn the Gyuki

Roronoa Zoro has faced countless foes throughout his adventures with the Straw Hats, some, like Dracule Mihawk were more formidable than others.

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn is the Warrior God of Science and Defense, and recent chapters of the arc have shown his role in why the Five Elders are the World Government’s greatest weapon. Saturn has the Mythical Zoan-type Gyuki Devil Fruit power, allowing him to transform into both a gyuki and a human-gyuki hybrid when he chooses. Furthermore, Saturn has awakened the ability, enhancing the strength and power he gains from the Devil Fruit even further.

When in his full Gyuki Beast form, Saturn becomes a huge horned spider creature which is one of the yokai from Japanese folklore. In this form, he has the power to emit corrosive poisons from his eight legs. He also can spit venom capable of powerful explosions, and his eight legs have enough force to shatter the surrounding ground when he releases a massive stomp.

Mars Can Turn Into an Itsumade

One Piece Elder Mars the Itsumade

Saint Marcus Mars is the Warrior God of the Environment, known for his calm attitude, even under pressure. Like the other Elders, he is a powerful political adversary, and his Devil Fruit powers also make him a physical force to be reckoned with. Mars’ Devil Fruit powers allow him to transform into a giant Itsumade and human-Itsumade hybrid.

The Itsumade is a legendary creature from Japan that is an ominous mix of bird and reptile, often believed to appear when death and destruction are imminent. In Mars’ full Itsumade form, he can fly quickly and even appears to have increased endurance, going through the Frontier Dome and not being phased when shot by laser beams. Mars’ Itsumade form likely comes with even more beneficial powers to aid him in battle, which will be revealed in later chapters.

Warcury Becomes a Monstrous Fengxi

One Piece Elder Warcury the Hoki

Saint Topman Warcury is the Warrior God of Justice, and he has shown many unique powers during his presence in One Piece. Like the other Elders, he is able to communicate telepathically with his comrades, and they can also travel through a Magic Circle portal. It remains to be seen which of these powers is innate and which (if any) has stemmed from the awakening of his Devil Fruit, which grants him terrifying transformative powers.

Warcury’s Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit allows him to turn into the mythological Fengxi, a boar-like monster with four massive tusks from Chinese mythology. He is even able to turn these tusks into powerful blades that attack his enemies. Despite the large size and the beast-like nature of the Fengxi, Warcury remains agile in his Beast form, able to somersault and hit his targets with incredible accuracy. His Beast form also gives him the power to emit a powerful roar that mixes with his Haki for a concussive burst.

Nusjuro Turns Into the Skeletal Horse Bakotsu

One Piece Elder Nusjuro the Bakotsu

There are many potential romantic couplings between One Piece’s characters, such as Luffy x Nami and Zoro x Robin.

Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro is the Warrior God of Finance, and he has one of the most terrifying forms of all the Five Elders. Nusjuro’s Bakotsu Devil Fruit allows him to turn into a skeleton horse from Japanese folklore. The Bakotsu is made up of the bones of dead horses, and Nusjuro can take on the full form of the horse or a hybrid version which allows him to retain his human upper body.

Nusjuro has increased speed in both hybrid form and full Beast form. He was shown to race across Egghead’s shores incredibly fast, with some of the Marines unable to notice his presence. His true form also allows him to create ice, and he is able to freeze his enemies with his katana thanks to his impressive skills in swordsmanship.

Ju Peter Possesses Giant Sandworm Powers

One Piece Elder Ju Peter the Sand Wyrm

The world of One Piece is full of powerful Devil Fruits, including a few that could potentially Awaken in the series’ final saga.

Saint Shepherd Ju Peter is the Warrior God of Agriculture, and his Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit allows him to transform into a giant sandworm as well as a hybrid version of the terrifying creature. While in this Beast Form, Ju Peter is able to withstand a point-blank fire blast from Sabo, and he’s also able to tunnel under the earth.

Ju Peter’s sandworm form is so massive that he can swallow his enemies whole with one giant gulp, which proves to be quite problematic for Luffy in his battle against the Elders. What other terrifying powers his Devil Fruit provides him remains to be seen, but it’s highly likely the Five Elders all have more tricks up their sleeve that have yet to be revealed in One Piece‘s story.

The Extent of the Elders’ Powers Remains to be Seen

The Five Elders arriving in One Piece Chapter 1110

The Five Elders may have recently revealed their terrifying beast forms, but the full extent of their power has yet to be seen. Chapter 1110 sees the Elders arrive at Egghead and begin their attack, with Luffy being devoured by Ju Peter in his sandworm form. Luffy is eventually saved by Dorry and Broggy, but his ability to defeat the Five Elders and escape to Egghead is not looking promising.

The Elders are shaping up to be some of the darkest and strongest villains in the entire series, and Luffy’s Straw Hats need to be able to defeat them in the Final Saga. The devastation the Elders are ready to unleash is likely to be unparalleled for the series, and Luffy definitely has an uphill battle ahead of him. Considering how One Piece‘s lovable protagonist is known for his perseverance and bravery, it’s likely that he and his group of friends will figure out a way to save the day just in the nick of time.