Brook is the hidden heartbeat of the Straw Hat Pirates, providing crucial support despite often being overlooked by fans.
 In a stunning fan art piece, Brook’s epic fight against Big Mom is beautifully recreated, highlighting his defiance and determination.
 Brook’s confrontation with Big Mom showcased his courage, intelligence, and resilience, solidifying his status as a key player in the pirate crew.

Without a doubt, Brook is the soul of One Piece‘s Straw Hat Pirates – the hidden heartbeat, magical glue, and steady support that holds everything together. Nevertheless, despite his crucial – albeit often unseen – role, Brook rarely gets the spotlight and attention of other crew members. Now, an awesome piece of fan art recreates one of the most epic Brook moments, his fight with Big Mom, once again proving that when the chips are down, the Straw Hat Pirates can always count on a bone-chilling assist from their resident skeleton King of Soul.

In a spectacular piece of fan art shared on Reddit’s One Piece server by @wafalo, Brook’s epic tilt against Big Mom is recreated in all its mesmerizing glory. The artwork reimagines that memorable moment in One Piece Chapter #849 (anime Episode #81) where the Soul King finds himself face-to-face with Big Mom and her Homies, Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus. Drawn from the third-person perspective, viewers are immediately mindful of the power imbalance in the contest, as Big Mom’s height and girth make Brook seem puny and weak.

Despite the overwhelming odds, @wafalo’s depiction of Brook presents him as defiant, determined, and undaunted. As he alludes to in the manga, he’s a lot older than Big Mom, and has been pirating long before she even knew what a “Jolly Roger” was. So while her “fire and thunder” show might scare a lesser pirate, it means nothing to a man who has spent decades staring death in the face.

In a new devilishly dazzling piece of fan art, the talents of One Piece King of Soul Brook, are vividly depicted in bone-rattling excellence.

Brooks Show the True Heart and Soul of a Pirate

Brook’s confrontation with Big Mom was brief but still showed the Soul King’s fortitude

One Piece_Brook in full soul form Brook at Onigashima
One Piece Brook Stampede Outfit
One Piece brook Film Gold Outfit One Piece Film Gold Brook grips on to a railing as pirates go flying.One Piece_Brook in full soul form
Brook at Onigashima
One Piece Brook Stampede Outfit One Piece brook Film Gold Outfit One Piece Film Gold Brook grips on to a railing as pirates go flying.

Brook’s confrontation with Big Mom and her homies was just one segment of the Straw Hat Pirate’s mission to infiltrate Big Mom’s Whole Cake Island base and rescue Sanji from her clutches. Luffy and his comrades embarked on a mission to locate and rescue Sanji, while Brook and Pedro were assigned the task of obtaining a duplicate of Big Mom’s Road Ponegylph – a key piece of information for learning the route to the One Piece. With cunning and skill, Brook was able to access Big Mom’s Treasure Room.

Unfortunately, Brook’s presence was detected by Big Mom who, once alerted, rushed to the chamber to confront the threat. Realizing the importance of the mission, Brook did not back down – even in the face of overwhelming odds. To be sure, despite his Yomi Yomi no Mi-based soul scream and soul infusion attacks, Brook was never able to overcome Big Mom’s powers. Conversely, none of his opponents were able to mortally wound him. Indeed, after each time Brook got knocked down – he’d get up again, ready to battle on – just like the true pirate warrior he always was.

Brook Is The Low-Key Star Of The Straw Hat Pirates


Considering the lack of “screen time” Brook gets in One Piece his battle against Big Mom and her Homies was a big event for the Soul King. It helped to highlight his courage, fighting prowess, and resilience. Indeed, few other Straw Hat Pirates have gone up against a Yonko and lived to tell the tale.

But the fight also revealed Brook’s intelligence and experience. By hiding the Poneglyph’s copies where no one would ever think to find them – Brook secured a key piece to the One Piece puzzle. @wafalo’s jaw-dropping fan art is the perfect homage to Brook‘s central role in the success of the Straw Hat Pirates.