The DC Extended Universe (DCEU) aimed to bring DC Comics characters together in one movie universe, starting with Man of Steel in 2013. However, things took a downturn after the release of Justice League in 2017.
Justice League (2017)A still from Justice League (2017)
Originally, Zack Snyder was directing the film. However, he stepped down from the role due to a personal tragedy — the death of his daughter Autumn, by suicide.

Consequently, during filming, Joss Whedon stepped in to finish the project. The final product didn’t resonate with fans, who felt it lacked the promise of earlier DCEU movies.

Despite featuring iconic superheroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, Justice League (2017) was a critical flop. Fans were so displeased that they launched an unprecedented global campaign named #ReleasetheSnyderCut to see the release of the director’s original vision. However, was the Snyder Cut truly an improvement? A former DC executive shared her thoughts.

Diane Nelson’s Snyder Cut May Upset James Gunn’s Fandom

A still from Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)A still from Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)

Now, though, with Diane Nelson‘s comments, it seems it wasn’t just fans who were left disappointed with 2017’s Justice League. The former DC president has also admitted that the film was “terrible.” In an interview with Bleeding Cool, the 66-year-old said:

“Yeah, I mean, I thought the final film was terrible. Yeah, I mean, I would have much preferred a darker-than-I-wanted or longer-than-I’d hoped-for Zack Snyder cut than the Frankenstein cut we got in theaters. The Trinity characters of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman should have, by any measure, blown any other superhero movie away, and they didn’t.”

Nelson’s unexpected support for the Snyder Cut throws a curveball into the DC movie saga. When James Gunn took over at DC Studios, it signaled a shift away from Snyder’s style.

Even Warner Bros. moved away from Zack Snyder‘s Justice League for a clean slate and a more unified cinematic universe. However, the former chief’s praise for Snyder’s version might cause some friction. Fans who love Snyder’s work might feel happy, but her comments may not sit well with New Age Gunn’s DC fans.

Could Zack Snyder Join James Gunn’s DC Universe?

Zack SnyderHollywood director Zack Snyder (image credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Warner Bros. decided to release the Snyder Cut of Justice League in March 2021. But fans wanted even more, and the DC movie’s unfinished story led to the #RestoreTheSnyderVerse movement.

Since then, lots of DCEU fans have been pushing for Zack Snyder to have full control. Some even suggested that the studio should sell the SnyderVerse to Netflix. Back in February, Gunn responded to the #SellTheSnyderVerseToNetflix hashtag on Twitter.


Now, as DC Studios is rebooting the whole franchise (as the DCU), it looks like there’s no place for the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director in this new setup. Yet, the Rebel Moon filmmaker is all set to join Gunn’s DC Universe.

In an article for The Hollywood Reporter, Snyder said he backs Gunn’s new DC Universe. When asked if he’d work on a project for DC Studios, the 58-year-old stated that he’d love to do ‘The Dark Knight Returns.’